Childproofing – safety tips for toddlers and moms


Childproofing – safety tips for toddlers and moms

Until the age of 2-3 years old, newborns need plenty of security and safety home measures, as almost anything can happen to them the second the mom looks away. Besides covering the outlets and protecting the sharp furniture corners, and besides childproofing everything, there are plenty of other tips, tricks and solutions parents can use to keep both the toddler and the mom safer and in a state of comfort.

Let’s see a few of them!

  1. The baby’s crib should meet all safety standards and have no more than 2.4 in. (60 mm) of space between slats.
  2. Activity centers are preferred to baby walkers and the latter may lead to accidents especially if you live in a house and the baby risks to fall down the stairs.
  3. Make sure the changing table has a railing on all sides and you keep your diapers and other products at hand, to be able to keep a hand on your child while you reach for the objects you need. Also, make sure you use the table’s safety strap.
  4. As babies and toddlers learn to scoot, crawl, and walk you need to take the common sense safety precautions so they don’t fall or bump into things.
  5. Prevent choking or mouth injuries by keeping away from the child all objects or toys smaller than .25 in. (3.2 cm) in diameter and 2.25 in. (5.7 cm) in length.
  6. Moms should quickly learn the early signs of choking so they can take the appropriate safety measures.
  7. Strangulation and suffocation are also problems that can be prevented: all possible cords (drapes, electrical etc) need to be kept out of the baby’s reach, attached to wall mounts or wrapped around wall brackets.
  8. Make sure the furniture doesn’t feature cut outs or design elements that might turn into traps for the baby’s head as he crawls underneath tables and so on.
  9. Don’t let plastic bags or sacks in the child’s vicinity. They are curious and they may put the bag over their heads or put it in their mouth.
  10. Safely store all cleaning products, chemicals, detergents and objects that may lead to your child’s poisoning or allergic skin reactions.
  11. Install carbon monoxide detectors in the house – this will not only protect the child but all members of the family.
  12. Teach children how to interact with the house pets and have your pets trained and healthy. While interactions with animals are beneficial for children, sometimes accidents occur.
  13. Learn CPR and first aid should anything happen while you as a new mom are alone with the child in the house and he needs immediate intervention. Keep your emergency number on speed dial and have the Red Panic Button installed to immediately call for help in case you can’t talk over the phone or you found yourself in a remote and presumably unsafe area / situation with the baby.

Do you have other tips or tricks on how to be safe while at home with the toddler or how to keep the child more secure as he grows and becomes more and more curious of his environment?

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