How to Choose Your in Case of an Emergency Person


How to Choose Your in Case of an Emergency Person

Choosing the right emergency person and having that person ready to jump in whenever you are in trouble may be one of the smartest things you do in your life.

According to specialists in safety and personal security, listing an emergency contact may save your life in a great number of ways and situations. But who to choose and what criteria do you have to follow in making the best choice?

Let’s take a look at what experts have to say about it!

1. Choose a person who knows you well

This may be your best friend, your life partner or your closest work colleague. Some people are tempted to list their parents as immediate emergency persons, but some beg to differ: our parents might not react the best way when some stranger calls them to announce we have been in an accident or we are in a distress situation.

Your emergency person should know you very well, together with the particularities of your health status and specific conditions. That person should also have easy access to your family members and friends or at least access to your home for emergencies like papers, clothes, and others.

2. Choose a person who is available

An available person lives in the same city as you do and answers the phone immediately. You shouldn’t choose a friend who is often out of town for work or somebody who travels a lot. If you end up in a bad situation and you need to call that person – or the authorities need to call that person – your friend should be able to rapidly answer the phone, come down to the hospital or be available for extra support.

It would be better to have an emergency contact driving a car, as sometimes you need them to travel fast to give you a hand in need.

3. Choose a person who can share your medical details in confidence

Your emergency person should be one you trust with your life – hence you are able to share with delicate medical information. This may be about some addiction issues, medication you take, prior medical conditions, infirmities, and so on.

These criteria should be followed whenever you choose an emergency person for your phone contacts list or for your Red Panic Button list of emergency contacts. You may choose one or more such emergency people to assist you or the authorities whenever you are in trouble. They should always be informed and hold the following information:

  • Where you live
  • Allergies you have
  • Medication you take
  • Blood group and Rh type
  • Brief medical history
  • Brief surgical history
  • Your family’s contact information

You can hold your emergency contacts’ info in your smartphone. Just remember that if your phone has a password or other security systems, authorities won’t be able to reach fast that information.

You can also carry a paper sheet listing the names, addresses, and phone numbers of your emergency persons. As specialists say, sometimes low tech is better than hi tech.

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